Sarreyer, between doing and looking good
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Take the Train des Combins from Verbier along the Route du Soleil and discover Sarreyer for free. Head for La Scie et Moulins for a guided tour of the mill, followed by a walk through Sarreyez on the ‘Necessarily... Beautiful’ trail. Take a stroll through the village and discover archive photos, portraits and quotations to pique your curiosity. Learn to look with indulgence and attention at past and present interventions on the buildings to discover, masked by the banality, a singular and...
Groups (Max capacity)
- 5 Person (s) mini
- 50 Maximum number of people
Opening times
From 2 July 2025 until 27 August 2025
13:30 - 16:00
Spoken languages
- Mountain location
- Resort centre