Sunday 2 march from 14:00 to 16:00

Tour with two artists’ voices

  • Cultural
  • Exhibition
  • Guided tour
  • Visual/graphic arts
  • Technology
  • Human and social sciences
Musée de Bagnes, Chemin de l'Eglise 13, 1934 Le Châble
Guided tour of the ‘bagnoles altitudes’ exhibition with Stéphanie Pfister, visual artist and author, co-founder of Editions Ripopée, and Nicolas Faure, photographer.
Bagnoles altitudes: an exhibition on cars in the Alps

Driving up or downhill, cars are ambivalent machines in the Alpine imagination. Their presence in the region and in our daily lives unfolds a tangled polyphony of cultural, historical and technical narratives. With no mess or waste, the exhibition draws inspiration from the scrapyard, whose purpose is deconstruction. Made the focal point, the ordinary car is dissected to gain a different understanding of what it has to tell us. Cars...

Opening times

On 2 March 2025
  • 14:00 at 16:00


Tour with two artists’ voices
Musée de Bagnes, Chemin de l'Eglise 13, 1934 Le Châble
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  • French
Updated on 06 February 2025 at 13:23
by Verbier Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 7237075)
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