Fanny Pelichet, actress and brico-plastician, revisits Prokofiev's famous fairy tale with great flair.
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One morning, Pierre disobeys his grandfather, opens the garden gate and heads off into the green meadows... The rest is history! Fanny Pelichet, actress and do-it-yourselfer, revisits Prokofiev's famous tale with great flair. The story is told to the original music and the characters are cardboard puppets manipulated by sight, like a giant animated book.
By the Collectif les cRis de l'asphAlte.
In collaboration with the théâtre de La Gare, Arts et Jeunesse de Monthey, as part of its...
By the Collectif les cRis de l'asphAlte.
In collaboration with the théâtre de La Gare, Arts et Jeunesse de Monthey, as part of its...