5 august > 6 july

Haroon Mirza and Helga Dorothea Fannon

  • Cultural
  • Exhibition
  • Contemporary art
  • Modern/contemporary art
  • Water
  • Sculpture
  • Drama
Verbier 3-D Foundation Sculpture Park, 1936 Verbier
The Verbier 3-D Foundation is presenting a new work by artists Haroon Mirza and Helga Dorothea Fannon.
The artists were invited to a residency to immerse themselves in the local environmental aesthetics of Verbier while contributing to current debates on the global themes of water and energy.

The artists developed a series of works showing the culmination of their residency, where their individual approaches converged in a breath-taking demonstration of artistic synergy. Through their shared fascination about questioning perceptions, the artists blended their individual aesthetics,...

Opening times

From 1 January 2025 until 6 July 2025 - Open everyday


Haroon Mirza and Helga Dorothea Fannon
Verbier 3-D Foundation Sculpture Park, 1936 Verbier
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  • French
Updated on 21 November 2023 at 11:37
by Verbier Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 6582181)
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