Sport is part of your DNA. It’s impossible to skip a day without practising your favourite activities: cycling, running, ski touring or climbing. You can’t help it! You have an itch and it needs scratching. You need to move, and ideally outdoors! Sitting still doesn’t come naturally to you! Your holidays have to be active: your alarm goes off early so you can make the most of every hour of the day and the added bonus is the chance to sharpen your technique. Verbier with all its facets provides an amazing infinite playground!

Your ideal day starts at 5 am. It’s a pleasure to wake up early and see the sun rise above the snow-capped peaks. You meet your fellow travellers and tourist guide, put on your seal skins and off you go, in single file, for a majestic ascent: all while the white giants are still asleep. Combining your effort with your love for the great outdoors, you quickly warm up. After a few hours of intense exercise punctuated by short but welcome breaks, you finally arrive at the top. Your well-deserved reward is two-fold: a breathtaking view of the alpine panorama that lights up gradually under the emerging sun but even better, a marked off-piste descent staggering in every way!