“Oscar” is a three-act comedy by Claude Magnier, which premiered at the Théâtre de l’Athénée in Paris in 1958. The main roles were first played by Pierre Mondy, Jean-Paul Belmondo and Maria Pacôme.
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“On that particular morning, the high-powered business entrepreneur Bertrand Barnier realised pretty early on that he should not have got out of bed. And he was about to have a nightmare of a day...
One of those days you wouldn’t even wish on your worst enemy, a hellish day when everyone – absolutely everyone – is conspiring against you!”
Barnier experiences this living nightmare, having to deal with bags whose contents change with every hour that passes, while his daughter changes...
One of those days you wouldn’t even wish on your worst enemy, a hellish day when everyone – absolutely everyone – is conspiring against you!”
Barnier experiences this living nightmare, having to deal with bags whose contents change with every hour that passes, while his daughter changes...
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