Rocks resulting from the overlapping of two continental plates.
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Prasinite is a kind of green metamorphic rock of igneous (volcanic) origin, rich in iron, magnesium, and white minerals (feldspars). It is associated with serpentinite, which is denser and heavier, and comes from the base of the oceanic crust.
Around 120 to 170 million years ago, lava escaping from deep cracks in the Tethys Ocean hardened on contact with the water and formed pillow-shaped structures. When the Alps were formed some 40 to 70 million years ago, this rock was scoured by the...
Around 120 to 170 million years ago, lava escaping from deep cracks in the Tethys Ocean hardened on contact with the water and formed pillow-shaped structures. When the Alps were formed some 40 to 70 million years ago, this rock was scoured by the...
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