Forest yard "les Deux Rives"

  • Services
  • Administrative department
Route de Leytron 22, 1908 Riddes
Semi-public company maintaining the forests of the municipalities of Leytron, Riddes, Saillon, Saxon et Chamoson and also to the service of the public and private clients.
The Forest yard "Les Deux Rives" possesses a functionnal forestry  warehouse with their office, a refectory, a garage, etc. and also have a depot area of 9,000m2 allowing them to stock logs, prepare fire wood, build fountains, tables and poles in order to highlight wood work.

The enterprise offers a variety of services thanks to its mechanical equipment as well as its professionnal team. Services include forestry, private works, logging operation and forest engineering. The Forest yard...


Forest yard "les Deux Rives"
Route de Leytron 22, 1908 Riddes
Spoken languages
  • French
Updated on 20 November 2020 at 14:38
by Verbier Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 5511591)
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