Tuesday 11 february from 10:30 to 11:30

Favourites from the Bagnes Library

  • Entertainment/recreation
  • Conference
  • initiation / discovery during an event
  • Reading
  • Litterature
  • Board games
  • Video games
Bibliothèque du Châble, Chemin du Collège 17, 1934 Le Châble
Get together over a cup of tea or coffee to share our favourites.
In the year 2025, the Bagnes Library is organising a new event.

The idea is to get together over a cup of tea or coffee to share and exchange our favourite books. Whether it's a novel, a documentary, a comic book, a game or even a video game, anything goes!

Take along the stories that have thrilled you, the games that have triggered your biggest laughs and come and share your nuggets with us.

If you don't have any ideas, don't panic! Your librarians will show you their...

Opening times

On 11 February 2025
  • 10:30 at 11:30


Favourites from the Bagnes Library
Bibliothèque du Châble, Chemin du Collège 17, 1934 Le Châble
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  • French
Updated on 29 January 2025 at 10:31
by Verbier Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 7236029)
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