Balade en VTT enduro dans la région de VerbierBalade en VTT enduro dans la région de Verbier
©Balade en VTT enduro dans la région de Verbier|

Getting around

All the information you need to get to and around Verbier-Val de Bagnes.


Once you’re on spot, there are lots of ways of reaching every part of the resort. Whether you prefer moving around on foot, on two or four wheels, or using various forms of public transport, you’ll find all the information you need below.

Le Chable – Verbier lift is part of the public transport system.

Its opening hours are therefore extended from 5.15 a.m. to 11.50 p.m., Monday to Sunday!

In addition, your half-fare or general season ticket will be recognised on this section.

More informations

Getting to Verbier

The best of destinations is within easy reach: by plane, by train, by coach or by car, getting to Switzerland and to Verbier is as easy as can be. Whether it’s by public transport or in your own car, your journey will be a dream.